Zikr is a brand new 45 footer with 880H/p Yanmar and is the fastest in our fleet. She is certified to carry 25 passengers. Zikr has comfortable amenities such as fully air-conditioned spacious cabin with comfortable seating. Its fully equipped bed, private showers, toilets and onboard kitchenette.
Zikr is available for special charters for several days. Bookings can also be done from Island, resort, inclusive of island pickup and drop offs. Charter are not necessary for group booking only. Solo charters are also available.

Koi Calevu
- 8.7 mtrs Ramco powered by 300 H/P outboard engines
- Certified to carry max of 18 passengers with private washroom facilities
- Cruising speed at 25 to 30 Knots
- Fully equipped with Ray Marine fish finder and GPS for navigation